p:IGI+ supports a wide range of autographs across a range of interpretative uses:
- Scatter Plots
- Histogram
- Triplot
- Parallel Coordinate Plot
- Depth Plot
- Star Plot
- Chung Plot
- Multi-depth Plot
- Multi-property single track depth Plot
- Line Plot
The most widely supported are scatterplots, with a range of autographs covering the most commonly used diagnostic plots used across the petroleum systems analysis domain.
You can select from the options presented or filter the autograph list according to a selection of keyword tags in the dropdown list at the top of the dialogue:
- Age
- Alteration
- Correlation
- Environment
- Gas
- Generation
- Kerogen Potential
- Kerogen Quality
- Maturity
- Migration
- Unconventional
A reference list of sources used to compile the autographs is available through our p:IGI+ online User Guide: https://www.igiltd.com/software/pigi/pigi-2/pigiug/autograph-reference-lists/