We are happy to allow users to utilise ig.NET content to be used in your reports, publications or presentations; however, please respect our copyright by referencing any ig.NET content you use. If you would like to copy text, reference and/or figures with accompany text from ig.NET:

  1. Select the content that you would like to copy with the mouse. Alternatively, use the Ctrl-a keyboard shortcut if you would like to copy an entire page.
  2. Copy the selected content using the Ctrl-c keyboard shortcut.
  3. Paste the copied content into the target application using the Ctrl-v keyboard shortcut or the application's own clipboard facility.

If you would like to copy just a figure from ig.NET:

  1. Right-click on the desired image and select the Copy Image to Clipboard option
  2. From the clipboard paste the figure into your target application using the Ctrl-v keyboard shortcut or the application's own clipboard facility.