
Can I save a regularly viewed page to save scrolling through the contents tree each time?
Yes, any ig.NET information page can be saved into a personalised favourites list by right-clicking on either a page in the contents tree, on any inte...
Tue, 17 May, 2016 at 3:39 PM
How do I search in ig.NET?
  From within the search dialogue you have a number of search options which are available and explained by expanding the Advanced and Help Tabs. W...
Tue, 17 May, 2016 at 3:40 PM
If the content I discover is helpful can I use it in my work?
We are happy to allow users to utilise ig.NET content to be used in your reports, publications or presentations; however, please respect our copyrigh...
Tue, 17 May, 2016 at 3:46 PM
Can I change ig:NET’s preferences to save my tabs and browsing history between sessions?
Yes, by accessing Application -> Options... a number of user preference options are presented relating to both the Tabs and browsing history and the Co...
Tue, 17 May, 2016 at 3:47 PM
How do I create a new contents tab to enable multiple content pages to be viewed simultaneously and easily referenced?
ig.NET enables the user to have several tabbed browsers opened simultaneously to enable easy referencing across related content. On either a page in t...
Tue, 17 May, 2016 at 3:48 PM